I´m using the MBPL R23 (SDK) tool. When i try to upgrade the firmware via: sudo ./fwdwl-litehostx86_64 -F -d /dev/ttyUSB2 - p /dev/cdc-wdm1 -w NameofCWWE-file.cwe -n NameofNVU-file.nvu -f (Path to firmware-files)
I always get the error: “FW download failed: eSDP_FWDML_ERR_SAHARA_UNRESPONSIVE(122)
Device not responsive in download mode. Please power cycle device”
Well, before i enter at!boothold via USB0, the window opens but you can’t type anything, via USB2 you can type commands as usual.
After at!boothold, usb2 is not accesable anymore. usb0 opens but you still can’t type anything.
When i checked ls /dev/mh* , there is nothing found. Does that have something to do with the error?
AT!boothold should be entered in /dev/ttyUSB2
After module reboot, there will only be /dev/ttyUSB0, and then you should run the fwdwl-litehostx86_46 program
Thank you for your help but it still didn’t work. At least there is a new line indicating that the Donwload process startet: Downloading: Images(folder with firmwarefiles)/SWIX…
but the error code is: eSDP_FWDML_ERR_FIREHOUSE_STATE_ERR(120)
Sorry for the late respone and thanks again. There were some drivers missing but i installed them now.
The download process progressed now for one more line : " downloading: Images/SWIX…zip
Still i got another error: "eSDP_FWDML_ERR_FIREHOUSE_DEV_REPORT_ERR(121)
so just removing the FW-path? I tried, it seems that this is an essential parameter , so it didn’t work
Is there a command to check if all drivers are installed, although i think that it should be fine.
Or might it be something with the kernel-version? I’ve got a 5.4.x kernel