Few basic questions

We are a customer of Wavecom but am not a certified developer.

We are using Q24 plus series since this August. Design and Development is through. Now we are into Beta testing phase doing Telemetry tests (with 15 devices which we’ve built). I do have few questions please:

a) Is there any Modem Validation test :question: If yes, please share your inputs.
b) We are encountering a problem. That is:

15 devices, at 10 min intervals, transmit the data (as SMS) to a Master GSM Modem (powered by Q24 plus module). From this Master the data is pulled by the application running on the PC or Laptop.

Now issue is, instead of 10 min interval the data is transmitted in every minute :astonished: Means, 1 SMS per minute x 15 devices :exclamation:

I couldn’t understand why this is happening. My team member says it’s the problem with the Master device. But I suspect this problem is attributed to the Application running on the PC or could be the program written in the Micro Controller (we have used Assembly language for this using PIC uCs).

My question is, will a Master device create such a trigger of messages (in 1 min instead of 10 min) :question:



You still have the same access to your Distributor!

What do you mean by that?

In what way do you want to “validate” the modem?

What controls this 10-minute interval?

Why does he say that?
On what basis?
What evidence does he have?

What is the (proposed) mechanism by which the “master” could cause the other devices to transmit?

Presumably, both the PC and the microcontroller applications are communicating with the modems via their UARTs/COM ports?
So it should be easy for you to monitor these communications to see exactly what is happening - no guessing required!

That is entirely irrelevant - see: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=2869&p=10401&hilit=irrelevant#p10401

“Master” is purely a role within your system - it is not an attribute of the modem itself.

The modems will only be doing whatever your applications (PC & PIC) are telling them!

Dear sukhoi47,

1.Actually the wavecom module is certified when distributing to customer itself for more information you can contact your distributor.
2.My suggestion is, Just check the program written in the module and check the no. of SMS send from each module (There is a response from module after sending SMS). Try to use Timer API for 10min counting/delay.
The problem is mainly in the Transmitting side. If transmit the SMS with more than 160bytes/160Charectors it will send another one.

Try and Reply to the same…