Failure to call wip client create


I loaded luasample into my Fastrack Supreme 20. Connected PPP OK. Print “Hello World” OK. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then I tried to connect GPRS but … :blush:

What is the problem? :blush: I thought maybe I didn’t activate a thread function or something, I l “events.lua”. Didn’t work. :mrgreen:

Thanks, guys.

I’m pretty surprised by the absence of a wip.client_create().

  • Have you changed something in the sample’s config?
  • What does it print when you type “=wip”? (it should print the complete content of the wip module)
  • The bearer error “wrong state before start” is normal, you’re trying to start a bearer that was already started a couple of lines above.


I have the same problem.
I begin by “bearer_client” function which doesn’t return an error, but “wip.client_create” returns : “attempt to call field ‘client_create’ (a nil value)”.
When I type “=wip”, the “client_create” isn’t present, it print “tcp_server”, “tcp_client” and another WIP function but not this one.
I don’t think have changed anything…

Can you help me? What is the problem?


OK that’s an out-of-date doc issue. wip.client_create() has been renamed wip.tcp_client(), as there are now wip.ftp_client(), wip.udp_client() etc.

The tutorial kept an incorrect reference to wip.client_create(), which had been copied in an example of the reference manual.
The reference part of the manual correctly referred to wip.tcp_client().

Both docs have been updated on the wiki.

Thanks for your reply fft, It works fine now…

I wrote this two simple function to connect to Bearer and disconnect from Bearer.
The first funcation is working fine to connect GPRS network but disconnect is not working.
It stack - I try to do manual what ‘close’ should do but the same.

please advice if i do it right


gprs_config = { apn = 'my-apn' }
gprs_connect = nil

function Connect_GPRS()
	-- Connect to Bearer in GPRS
	print("Try to Connect to GPRS Bearer")
	gprs_connect = wip.bearer_client('GPRS', gprs_config)
	print ("Connect to GPRS Network (proc:", gprs_connect, "). APN=", gprs_config.apn)
	print("My Ip:", proc.bearers.GPRS.ip_addr)

function DisConnect_GPRS()
	-- DisConnect to Bearer in GPRS
	print("Try to DisConnect GPRS Bearer")
	print ("DisConnected from GPRS Network")

You do it fine, and your code works for me. There might be something unusual happening with your GPRS provider…

If you get stuck in bearer:close(), it means that your WIP bearer never sends the WIP_BEV_STOPPED event. I’d suggest that you:

  • Enable WIP traces, by adding “WIP_NET_OPT_DEBUG_PORT, WIP_NET_DEBUG_PORT_UART1” in your wip_netInitOpts() options.
  • Check what “[GPRS]: GPRS EVENT” traces you get when trying to disconnect: that way you’ll know what happens at GPRS level
  • Check the “[LUAW] SIGNAL” traces: that way you’ll know what’s actually reported to Lua.

Thanks for the reply.

Can I send all LUA debug Message to USB port If Yes HOW?
(I am using Uart1 for LUA shell,UART2 to connect to PLC - serial device)

so i can not see the debug messgaes.
please see bellow debug message that I recive when I connect and disconnect from bearer - I disconnect PLC from Uart2 temporary.

If I am not mistaking this is the bearer close funcation in oatlua

function BEARER:close()
if debug.getfenv(self).state == “IP_CONNECTED” then

And It Wait for STOPPED signal And I think I recived DISCONNECTED signal.

Is It right ?


connection : gprs_connect = wip.bearer_client('GPRS', gprs_config)

[LUAW] SIGNAL [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready].read
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eba1c] ([table 0x180ca10c])}
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready] }, events = { read, peer_close, error } )

[LUAW] SIGNAL [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready].read
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eba1c] ([table 0x180ca00c])}
[LUAW] SIGNAL shell.line
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eb2bc] ([table 0x180ca28c])}
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready] }, events = { read, peer_close, error } )
[LUAW] RUN [thread 0x180e021c]
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { shell }, events = { interrupt, background, eof, line, done } )
[GPRS]: start: -> CONNECTING
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { GPRS }, events = { IP_CONNECTED, CONN_FAILED } )
[GPRS]: GPRS EVENT SETUP OK (cid=1): GPRS activate
[GPRS]: FCM subscribe: 3
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180e021c] ([table 0x180ca0cc])}
[LUAW] SIGNAL [thread 0x180e021c].die
[LUAW] SIGNAL shell.done
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eb2bc] ([table 0x180ca32c])}
[LUAW] Waking up: { }
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { shell }, events = { interrupt, background, eof, line, done } )

after :  gprs_connect:close()

[LUAW] SIGNAL [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready].read
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eba1c] ([table 0x180ca08c])}
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready] }, events = { read, peer_close, error } )
[LUAW] SIGNAL [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready].read
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eba1c] ([table 0x180ca00c])}
[LUAW] SIGNAL shell.line
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eb2bc] ([table 0x180ca2cc])}
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready] }, events = { read, peer_close, error } )
[LUAW] RUN [thread 0x180e979c]
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { shell }, events = { interrupt, background, eof, line, done } )
[GPRS]: stop: FCM close -> DISCONNECTING
[GPRS]: FCM unsubscribe (2)
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [userdata 0x180c67ec] }, events = { STOPPED } )
[GPRS]: GPRS EVENT: 2 (cid=1)

then I Press ctrl+C
and make again close : gprs_connect:close()
[LUAW] SIGNAL [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready].read
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eba1c] ([table 0x180ca10c])}
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready] }, events = { read, peer_close, error } )
[LUAW] SIGNAL [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready].read
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eba1c] ([table 0x180ca00c])}
[LUAW] SIGNAL shell.line
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eb2bc] ([table 0x180ca28c])}
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { [channel TCPCLIENT 0x180e8b9c ready] }, events = { read, peer_close, error } )
[LUAW] RUN [thread 0x180e85dc]
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { shell }, events = { interrupt, background, eof, line, done } )
[GPRS]: close: -> CLOSED
[LUAW] SIGNAL [thread 0x180e85dc].die
[LUAW] SIGNAL shell.done
[LUAW] Waking up: { [thread 0x180eb2bc] ([table 0x180cadac])}
[LUAW] Waking up: { }
[LUAW] WAIT emitters = { shell }, events = { interrupt, background, eof, line, done } )

after the second close the GPRS bearer is free.


Oops, the code you’ve got for bearer:close() has a bug. It’s been fixed on the (newer) version I’m working on, but the wait line should read “wait(, ‘STOPPED’)” instead of “wait(self, ‘STOPPED’)”.

Workaround: add the following somewhere in your code before the first time you use bearer:close():

function internal.bearers_methods:close()
   if debug.getfenv(self).state == "IP_CONNECTED" then 
      wait(, "STOPPED")

This will let you work until the next version officially ships.

About diverting traces to USB: yes you can, but it requires a bit of black magic to get windows to recognize the devkit’s USB port as an UART, and I’m not a specialist of Win32 intricacies…

Thanks for your fast reply.
I will test the Workaround tomorrow .
about USB port is already recognize by windows in my notebook.
How I can configer the LUA shell to send debug messages to USB port.

I am going home now.

If the USB port is recognized by windows , what further do we need to do in order to coonect to LUE via the USB?

If the USB port is recognized as a serial port (not a modem!) by windows, then you can use it as a regular port, just substitute ‘USB’ as the uart name, where you would have used ‘UART1’ or ‘UART2’. You can use wip.fcm(‘USB’) to read/write data on it, or wip.bearer_client(‘USB’, your_config) to set up a TCP/IP link over PPP at up to 400Kbps, etc.