Errors with FX30 application

Thanks Chris.

After the following mistakes:

  • Not running Ubuntu 16.04, but 18.04
  • Executing step 1, then 2 actually makes your build fail. Once it fails you need to do make clean. You should first install the toolchain (step 2), then compile the framework (step 1).

I was able to compile using make wp85.

However, once I added the folders to the Developer Studio I was unable to use the packages. The packages show like the screenshot below.

Any ideas?

For my reference (and others). These are the CLI commands I used to build the framework for source:

# Install dependancies
apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y 
apt-get install -y build-essential python python-jinja2 cmake git subversion libsdl-dev diffstat texinfo gawk chrpath wget cpio vim zsh bash ninja-build screen sshpass bc python-git unzip libxml2-utils wget

# Toolchain
chmod u+x 

# Application Framework
wget -O legato-16.10.1.m3.tar.bz2
tar xjf legato-16.10.1.m3.tar.bz2 
cd legato-16.10.1.m3


make localhost
make wp85

UPDATE: Updated the above “script” to add WP85_TOOLCHAIN_DIR and WP85_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX