Error loading a shared library internal error

I’m trying to run a code in wp7608 module in mangored which requires dynamic library file,
I have created a receipe and placed in /lib folder and when i built it, it builds successfully bit when the project is dumped to the board, it is giving error as follow:

Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | app.c app_Create() 3207 | Creating app ‘SGRIPICO’
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | proc.c GetFaultAction() 323 | No fault action specified for proces s ‘SGRIPICOComponentExe’. Assuming ‘ignore’.
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | proc.c GetWatchdogAction() 359 | SGRIPICOComponentExe watchdogActi on ‘’ in proc section
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | proc.c GetWatchdogAction() 359 | SGRIPICOComponentExe watchdogActi on ‘’ in proc section
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | app.c app_Start() 3420 | Starting app ‘SGRIPICO’
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | app.c CreateFileLink() 2104 | Created file link ‘/legato/systems/c urrent/apps/SGRIPICO/read-only/lib/’ to '/legat o/systems/current/appsWriteable/SGRI
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | app.c CreateFileLink() 2104 | Created file link ‘/legato/systems/c urrent/apps/SGRIPICO/read-only/bin/SGRIPICOComponentExe’ to '/legato/systems/cur rent/appsWriteable/SGRIPICO/bin/SGRI
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1390 | Starting process ‘SGRIPICOComponentExe’ with pid 1979
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1979]/superv isor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1355 | Execing ‘SGRIPICOComponentExe’
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.err Legato: =ERR= | SGRIPICOComponentExe[197 9] | SGRIPICOComponentExe: error while loading shared libraries: /lib/libps5000a .so.2: internal error
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | proc.c proc_SigChildHandler() 2051 | Process 'SGRIPICOComponentExe ’ (PID: 1979) has exited with exit code 127.
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | app.c app_SigChildHandler() 4015 | Process ‘SGRIPICOComponentExe’ in app ‘SGRIPICO’ faulted: Ignored.
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | app.c app_StopComplete() 4686 | app ‘SGRIPICO’ has stopped.
Jan 6 05:33:21 swi-mdm9x28-wp Legato: INFO | supervisor[1771]/superv isor T=main | apps.c DeactivateAppContainer() 374 | Application ‘SGRIPICO’ has s topped.

Anybody know how to solve this issue?

I have also tried by creating a bundle instead of creating receipe still same error showed up, but when im running the same project in rasberry pi, there it is not showing any error, just to confirm library are proper, i tried in rasberry pi

you need to use unsandboxed feature to access “/lib/libps5000a .so.2”

If you used sandboxed feature, you need to use “requires” to import the library, you can see below as example:

yes in the .adef file i have added the command as

sandboxed: false
start: manual

what is the response of

ls -l /lib/libps5000a .so.2

root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# ls -l /lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Aug 31 2021 /lib/ →

then how about you import directly “”

should i do it like this? and remove sanbox?

        // needed for curl itself:
        /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
        /usr/bin/curl /usr/bin/curl

        // needed for networking:
        /lib/ /lib/

no, this is just an example to import different libraries when using sandboxed feature
If you are not using sandbox feature, the application can directly access /lib directory

then how about you import directly “”

Importing directly also giving same error

if you compile with native C program which has nothing to do with legato framework, can it use the “”?

yes, it is building successfully with no error by accessing

how do you build the native C program?
Use the FW R9 toolchain?
Can it run successfully on the module?

I had used Code blocks, using GCC
I don’t have any information on running on wp7608

using GCC, the compiled binary is in x86 not in ARM version, right?
You need to use the toolchain of WP76 module in order to compile a binary for WP76 to run

oh okay, I tried the compilation in Rasberry by which is arm v7,

I’m i missing anything in the above procedure, so I’m getting internal error?

you need to use WP76 R9 toolchain to compile the native C program in order to run the binary in WP76 module

ok i will try with WP76R9 toolchain

Can I please get the link for WP76R9 toolchain installation?