EM7565 on Raspberry Pi with OpenWRT - USB device listed but not usable

Hi @geerlingguy,

your EM7565 has been set to a different USB id 1199:90c3 which is not known by the mainline Linux kernel drivers
kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source tree .

Similar to How to interact with MC7710 after ppp configured - #6 by mlw you would have to use AT!UDPID=9091 to make the EM7565 usable with OpenWRT.
To be able to send AT commands to the EM7565 with minicom, screen etc. on USB id 1199:90c3
you can use

modprobe option
echo 1199 90c3 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id

. One of the newly created /dev/ttyUSB devices should (hopefully) respond to AT commands.


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