Hi. I have a Sierra Wireless EM7565 modem (with the latest firmware SWI9X50C_01.09.04.00_GENERIC_002.019_000) which have trouble connecting (with ModemManager-1.10.4
and libqmi-1.22.6
Often, it cannot connect at all and I get this kind of logs:
ModemManager[4004]: <info> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
ModemManager[4004]: <info> call end reason (1): 'generic-unspecified'
ModemManager[4004]: <info> verbose call end reason (3,1075): [cm] (null)
My question is: what does mean the error code 1075 ? Where can I find this information ?
I reported the problem to the libqmi gitlab but they can’t do anything about that as the error comes from the modem.