DOTA is sucessful but system restarts twice

I am not sure if that is the problem but it sounds like it could be. I suggest try and run that adl_atCmdCreate 2 seconds after startup…

strange. i remember reading it, but i can’t find it anymore :question:

Don’t you just hate it when that happens!


Even this does not works. Getting same problem.

void adl_main ( adl_InitType_e InitType )

	 poweron_timer_ptr=adl_tmrSubscribe(FALSE, 50, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, (adl_tmrHandler_t) poweron_tmrhdl);

Installing New Applcation


Inside A and D Handler


+WIND: 3

+WIND: 13



+WIND: 1

+WIND: 3

+WIND: 13



+WIND: 1
INSIDE power timer

If find the problem.

It is due to our Hardware Watchdog.


Let me guess:

  1. you do the adl_adInstall, but you don’t “kick” your watchdog;
  2. the time it takes to install the new app & restart is close to your watchdog timeout (especially if the adl_adInstall happened near the end of a Watchdog period);
  3. so the watchdog “bites” before the new application has got as far as its first “kick” of the watchdog;
  4. this time, the module restarts more quickly (doesn’t have to do the install) so the application’s first “kick” of the watchdog comes in plenty of time;
  5. Hence the adl_adInstall appears to have caused a double restart.

Is that about it?

But this doesn’t appear to acount for charlvz’s problem - does it?

Nope its not, I believe the data from my GPS is causing multiple resets. I have seen how after a reset the modem keeps on resetting until I fisically remove the GPS from UART1…that gives the indication that the data going in on UART1 while the unit is resetting is causing multiple resets.

Would this help as a workaound:

Have the version number embedded in the application somehow; eg,

ascii version_string[] = "v1.2.3";

Have your apllication write this version number into the module’s Flash.

When the application starts, it checks the version recorded in Flash against its own version; if they differ, it knows that an update has occurred - and can act accordingly…

I have considered it, but the real problem was that the module kept on resetting if the GPS was constantly sending data. I solved this by polling for GPS info instead of having the GPS send data on a 1second interval. The module is only resetting once now.


or stop the unsolicited responses when you start the upgrade process?

Hi Guys,

Sorry for late reply. I was in vacation and in remote place so i could not able to access internet.

My problem was due to H/W watchdog. This is solved now.

yes, Charlvz’s problem seems to be something different.


Was it as I surmised:

That is Absolutely right.