Different behavior Q2686 vs. Q2698 while using SSL

Hello all,

we have used the Q2686 a couple years with SSL secured connections in an OpenAT application without any problems.
Now we are migrating to the 3G version Q2698 of this modem. The OpenAT firmware is ported to the new modem and works well, with one exception.

If the (SSL-) server goes down while there is an SSL connection between the modem and server the Q2686 generates an event WIP_CEV_ERROR -> WIP_CERR_ABORTED.
The Q2698 is NOT generating this event. So there is no possibility to realize, that the connection is not longer available.
After a while, the modem is rebooting. IMHO this must be a serious bug in the firmware!?

Is there anybody who figured out the same behaviour?

Best regards

AirPrime Q2698:
-“Developer Studio”,“”
-“Open AT Application Framework package”,“2.52.0.A1.201401061044”
-“Open AT OS Package”,“6.52.0.A1.201306271522”
-“Firmware Package”,“7.52.0.A1.201401021703”
-“Security Library Package”,“”
-“Internet Library Package”,“5.56.0.A1.201307011505”


In Q2698 are you getting any error message??
Could you please share backtrace after modem reboots…
