Hi there,
Many of you guys have already noticed that our developer zone website (developer.sierrawireless.com) is now accessible for all of you guys who have a forum account, although it is not finished yet (beta).
We hope to better support developers within the coming months, and this website is part of it.
We need your help to build and finalize this dev zone and hopefully make it become a success! Any constructive feedback / suggestions you would have regarding the structure and/or the content of the site is welcome.
Feedback --> reply to this topic, or email developer@sierrawireless.com, or PM me (if you feel you could sound negative )
Also, some of you guys have already noticed the developer spotlight and application spotlight tabs on the home page: I’m happy to add content you’d submit in there to make our community better know you.
Spotlights --> email developer@sierrawireless.com
Many thanks to Andy, Travis and John who have already contributed!