Thanks Donald,
I am afraid that I will kill the current kernel’s 3 processes if I kill them all. I don’t want to reboot. I want to learn more about why these defunc processes are still hanging around.
I also have many bioset. I researched these and found that these are block I/O processes from the kernel. Are these generated from the GobiNet and GobiSerial, too. Can the Sierra firmware/kernel folks clean these defunc processes up instead of us customers having to do it?
I did more research of these rouge processes and found that they don’t appear to be defunct (or zombies).
I typed: ps -ef | grep defunct
None of these “hundreds of processes” have the word defunct next to it. Are these child processes from kernel threads? I tried to "kill -9 "as root but they will not die.
You cannot kill kernel threads. Killing a thread in the middle of kernel code would corrupt the system as the kernel code may be holding an important resource at the time, such as a spin lock or mutation, and killing it would prevent those resources from being released.
Is there a way to open a bug report on these hundreds of kernel processes? I have a concern that my small embedded processor running debian will suffer. As a software developer, I would be embarrassed if my kernel code was having all of these processes running. I feel that Sierra should work with other partners to resolve this issue.
I am still having this same problem after 4 years. I have the latest driver but the text states that it is end of life. The download page suggests that I start using MBPL. Is this a different driver for the EM7455? Where can I learn about the latest EM7455 drivers for debian?
I read through Software_Integration_and_Development_Guide_for_Linux_USB_Platforms_R34.pdf. The src is not compiling. Is there a binary file you recommend for Debian?
I ran these commands on my Debian last time with the older gobi driver:
modprobe GobiSerial
modprobe GobiNet
sleep 5
/home/user/Sierra/fwdldarm -s /home/user/Sierra/slqssdk -d 9x30 -p /home/user/Sierra/FW
What do I run this time to load the drivers onto the EM7455?
I tried compiling those MBPL files but I am missing headers on my Debian system. I really need the MBPL binaries because my Debian was created on a Ubuntu system and deployed using a uSD card to my PCB where the EM7455 is used. After the Debian OS is copied using the uSD card, I remove the uSD and never have to use it again. Copying the binary drivers to my Debian is how I did it with the old gobi drivers. I have hundreds of systems that I have to upgrade with these new MBPL drivers and I cannot insert the uSD cards in them because they are remote.
I want binary files but I don’t want the hassle of compiling them myself on another computer. You have lite and fwdwl binaries. Which one can I use? If neither, what are these binary distros for? I have an Arm7 32 address.
Of course you need to compile the USB driver by yourself.
there is no binary for the USB driver is because different linux having different kernel version.
what are you trying to do actually?
initially you just asked about the USB driver, now suddenly you are talking about lite and fwdwl binaries
For how to establish data connection with AT!SCACT or MBPL SDK, you can see here: