Check Drivers GobiNet and GobiSerial are loaded and used


I need to install GobiNet and GobiSerial drivers in order to flash my MC7455 modem.
Firstly, I use the commands : msprobe GobiNet and msprobe GobiSerial to load them.

However, I want to check if the drivers are properly loaded and used.
How can I check those command have been taken in account and if the drivers GobiNet and GobiSerial are charged on my install serveur ?

Are you using linux?
Why don’t you use modprobe?
lsmod can show what modules have been loaded in kernel.


thank you for your answer.

In fact, I use “modprobe GobiSerial” and “modprobe GobiNet” commands to load the drivers.
I’m using Linux system.

When I use the commands “lsmod | grep GobiSerial”, nothing is display in the answer.
I don’t know how to be sure the drivers are loaded.

I don’t see problem on Ubuntu 18:

owner@ubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep GobiSerial
owner@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe GobiSerial
[sudo] password for owner: 
owner@ubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep GobiSerial
GobiSerial             20480  0
usbserial              45056  1 GobiSerial
owner@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (development branch)
Release:	18.04
Codename:	bionic