I’m trying to create a new project in C++ that sends an AT command to the target. I wrote the command from the “BUG_BASIC_DEVELOPMENT GUIDE FOR OPEN AT V310_REV012.PDF” page 30. When i do debug i get the following errors.
I think the spelling should be “wm_atSendCommand” (that was the spelling in OpenAT 3.01). Please note the capital “C” and no second underscore. I don’t think this name changed in OpenAT 3.10…
Thanks for your reply, i had made a mistake.
I removed some libraries because i don’t know if it is necessary to include them and now i have only one error.
Thanks for your reply, i had made a mistake.
I removed some libraries because i don’t know if it is necessary to include them and now i have only one error.
Oh, that’s right… There is an other mistake. You are mixing ADL with the classic OpenAT…
If you would like to use ADL, you should read the ADL User Guide (AUG) and not the BUG. You will need to use the adl_atCmdCreate function instead of wm_atSendCommand().
I have just understand what you mean but i want to use this command ( wm_atSendCommand(16,WM_AT_SEND_RSP_TO_EMBEDDED,“ATD6948199512\r”); ) in order to send an AT command from a C++ program.
as awneil said, you should start with the Open-AT Project Wizard to create the project files. In this program you must not choose ADL. Instead you will need to use (I think it is called) basic API.
Then you can use the command…
If you are starting a new project, you should consider using ADL. Sending AT commands from the application you still will be able to do, but the function you will use then is the the adl_atCmdCreate…
ADL is much more flexible and is better supported by Wavecom. For example if you would like to do TCP/IP one day you will not get around using ADL…
Hello everyone,
Thank you for your help!
Now, I have another problem. I did the program as it is shown below.
The steps that I did are:
I sent the program to the target.
I entered the PINCODE in order to enter to the network.
Then I ran the application using the following commands in order to make a call.
+WOPEN: 2,“AT v03.10”,“AT v03.10”
The target doesn’t make the call.
What am I doing wrong?
The program is: #include “wm_types.h” #include “wm_apm.h”
Firstly, you should switch the modem into safe mode with the “Safe target” button of Remote Tasks Monitor.
Without it, the device remains debug mode and your program won’t run.
Best regards
+WOPEN: 2,“AT v03.10”,“AT v03.10”
The target doesn’t make the call.