i am using MC7304.
How can i change the AT port from /dev/ttyUSB2 to USB0?
currently if i do that via the minicom the there is no output when the port is on ttyUSB0.
The port enumeration is static.
/dev/ttuUSB0 - Diagnostic monitoring/firmware download.
/dev/ttyUSB1 - NMEA
/dev/ttyUSB2 - AT commands
You cans se more is you send the at!udusbcomp=? to the unit to see the configurations you are able to set but the /dev/ttyUSB ones are always the same especially /dev/ttyUSB0 as it is the fallback port i.e. if things go horribly wrong it will always enumerate this one to recover the unit.
thanks for your response, currently at!udusbcomp=? return me “ERROR”.
but my main question is what is the best approach to use the modem for SMS and data in the same time?
That depends on what OS you are using, I presume Linux? You should activate the network interfaces rather than using PPP which is what I am assuming you are using at the moment.
The attached document will how you how to activate the interfaces through the AT port leaving it available for other AT commands.
You might need to precede the udusbcomp command with at!entercnd=“A710”.
SWI Technical Note - Migration from DirectIP to RMNet on MC73xx Rev002.docx (347 KB)
Thank you for your usefull response,
but as i see in the document it is look like that if we using AT commands only 1 interface is available. so in that way i can not using the modem as a Wifi network and on the same time using the AT commands reading sms.
I do not understand your use case with regards WiFi?
i am using the modem as my data network (like you open an hotspot using cellphone) the connection is doen by Networkmanager which create a connection using nmcli (which using at commands to connect).
in addition i have a python script that connect to the same port (ttyUSB2) and check if there is a any new SMS.
so in that condition when the hotspot is up the script cannot connect to the modem.
Ok if you are set in using the network manager command line (nmcli) thn no there is not much you can do.
thank you,
my last question
there is some where manual how can i setup the hotspot using at commands?
Hotspot implies WiFi which it is obviously not so what do you mean?
i mean that i would like that how can i work with
SMS usage at the same time when the GPRS connection is active using AT commands?
i see there is GSM Multiplexer maybe it could help?
Unfortunately the multiplexer enumerates channels with the same functionality as the enumerated USB ones so there is no gain, you are just piling protocols on top of each other.
By far and away the easiest way is to use the network interfaces as I have already described.