What is the accepted standard way of converting a u8 buffer to an ascii string and vice versa? ie in wip when you send receive data it is done as u8 but all the debug and string functions are ascii
I would have assumed there was a function defined in the ADL but for the life of me i cant find one
I understand c strings just fine even though I am a Java developer and have been spoiled for a long time!
When I say I am assuming I should point out I have referred to wm_types.h and can see a u8 is a uint8_t when using gcc and ascii is defined as a char. From my understanding a char is defined as an u8 at the lower level. Here is where I need to assume as I have never come across this before and am struggling. I understand there is the possibility it could be defined as a signed int as well however.
What your saying is if I have ascii array I can pass that to wip and disregard the signed dif warning I receive from the compiler? Vice versa if I can guarantee the response is an ascii char array I can safely cast the u8 to ascii using the usual (ascii)buffer syntax?