Hi to al,
I got a problem in handling of datas.Actually i am trying to get a string through UART1,writing in flash and reading back the stored string when it is required.....
In data hdlr i did this…
bool Data_Hdlr(u16 Datalen,u8 *Data)
wm_strncpy(Wdata,(ascii *)Data,Datalen);
return TRUE;
This is how i am writing the string…
adl_flhWrite(HANDLE,(u16)ID,(u16)wm_strlen(Wdata),(u8 *)Wdata)
And reading the string from the flash…
adl_flhRead(HANDLE,(u16)ID,(u16)adl_flhExist((ascii*)HANDLE,ID),(u8 *)Flhmem)
I declared Wdata as
ascii *Wdata;
My code gets restarted in this case…
I tried in many ways, finally i solved the issue also
my application is not restaring once i declared Wdata as
ascii Wdata[10];
Even though i solved this issue i need to know the cause