Writing and reading from Flash

Hi, I´ve been trying to write and read from Flash memory… but didn´t have enough results… so I hope you people could give me a hand…

Here´s the code I´m trying:

s8 memoria_flash;
static const ascii * flash_handle = "";

void atualiza_flash ( u8 id, ascii ** ParamStr, bool bWrite )

    if ( bWrite )

        if ( *ParamStr != NULL )

			TRACE((1, ParamStr));
            adl_flhWrite ( flash_handle, id, wm_strlen ( *ParamStr ) + 1, *ParamStr );

            adl_flhErase ( flash_handle, id );

        s32 Length = adl_flhExist ( flash_handle, id );


        if ( Length >= 0 )

            if ( *ParamStr != NULL )

                adl_memRelease ( *ParamStr );

            *ParamStr = adl_memGet ( Length );

            adl_flhRead ( flash_handle, id, Length, *ParamStr );


Here´s the how I´m trying to write and read, calling the function above:

ascii word_test[30];
	atualiza_flash ( 0, "Just a test", TRUE );

But word_test never receives the “Just a test” string…

Any ideas?

Best Regards,


Hi Henrique,

I’m not sure if that’s the problem, but I wouldn’t use an empty string for the flash handle…

static const ascii * flash_handle = "";

Also, the adl_flh*** functions do return error codes. Maybe you should look at those to determine if there was an error…

Best Regards,

I think the error is with the ascii word_test[30];

you can’t use memGet or memRelease with an array

please use
ascii * word_test;
word_test = adl_memGet(30);


Following the two advices here´s the code:

word_test = adl_memGet(32);
atualiza_flash(0, "Testing a String", TRUE);
TRACE((1, gps_string));

But I can´t get TRACE response as: “Testing String”.

What might be wrong?

Best Regards,


I replaced the Pointer programming with Global variables and everything is just fine now.
??? don´t know why didn´t worked… ???

I have one more question:

adl_flhGetIDCount() function retrieves the instant ID count, right?

Does the ID counts only for manual FLASH recording or ADL already uses this function internally?

I want to know because I´m trying to parse “FLASH ID Count + 1” as a parameter to the function I save the data.


atualiza_flash (adl_flhGetIDCount(flash_handle)+1, word_test,TRUE );

Before the line code above, I tryed to display the FLASH Count ID and it says : 1024.

But inside the “atualiza_flash()” function I once again displayed the “id” variable that came through the first parameter.

And now it says: “1”

Is there anything I should do?

Best Regards,
