Can't access Call & SMS.How to enable Volte in EM7511

I can"t access sms or call in EM7511.How to enable VoLTE in EM7511?We are using Jio Sim.

Hi abhilashsl,

EM7511 is not supported voice call. For SMS, please make sure your SIM has SMS service enabled and try the following command:

  1. AT+CMGF=1 : set SMS to text mode
  2. AT+CMGS=“phone number” then press enter
    Type your content then press CTRL+Z


It show error,For send sms i want to enable Volte in jio sim.Can you help me to enable volte in em7511

Hi abhilashsl,

EM7511 is not supported VoLTE. Could you please take a look at other products at the link below?


how to access SMS with jio sim?

Hi abhilashsl,

Could you set “AT+CMEE=1” and follow the commands below and show me the error responses?


Yes set AT+CMEE=1 then also it shows error