I’m hoping to learn about a bridge function to get from AirVantage into the AWS-Iot world.
The goal would be
- keep mango app <-> AirVantage connection for obvious benefits (Fleet Management, OTA updates etc etc)
- use AWS for back-end storage and further processing of mangOH - generated data
Ideally, if the data messages (from say redSensorToCloud), when they hit AirVantage, could trigger a MQTT publish message from AirVantage onward to AWS-IoT that would be easiest and cleanest.
Since AirVantage is a MQTT Broker and there is also a MQTT Broker at AWS, it seems like I need something similar to what Mosquitto calls a Bridge function.
AirVantage offers support for AWS Kinesis / Firehose, but my data, like that of “redSensor” is not really a stream, so Kinesis seems not appropriate.
Any suggestions?