Backtrace offline decoding using Developer studio


If backtraces have been generated during the execution of the application, it is possible to decode them using the offline decoding feature of Developer Studio (DS). In order to be able to use this feature, the application has to be adapted for retrieving these backtraces from the memory (see “ADL User Guide.pdf” in the download section for more information:


  1. Use the version 2.1.1 of developer studio.
  2. Read the stored backtraces using ADL “adl_errStartBacktraceAnalysis” & “adl_errRetrieveNextBacktrace” (description available in “ADL User Guide.pdf”) and save them to a file (*.bin extension).
  3. Obtain the *.axf file related to the running application:
    o It can be found in the ouput directory of the project.

Here is the Target Management Perspective of DS:

Steps to follow :

1.Select “Add virtual port”

add a new virtual port

  1. Select the *.bin file where the backtraces have been stored (step 2 of the prerequisites):

.bin file where backtraces are stored

3.Select the AXF file of the application (step 3 of the prerequisites):

AXF file of the OAT application

Note: it is important to be sure that the AXF set here matches exactly the app which was present in the device when the backtraces happened!
4. Select the firmware package matching the one present in the device when the reset occurred:

firware stoerd in the module when reset

  1. Select the configuration of the used firmware
    (for example if the firmware is AT&T dedicated or not)

configuration of used firmware

6.Then select the Airprime type

select embedded module type

  1. Select OK , and then select Open port

select open port

All the functions linked to the application will be properly decoded in the Backtraces tab:

backtrace decoded

The part of the bakctraces which is not decoded is linked to the Firmware and this has to be decoded by the Sierra team.
