we use imx6 processor and Android KK. We have donwloaded AndroidRIL_V4.4.1_ARM_4.4_V1.0_bin.zip and followed the instructions to implement RIL support for Android from the Readme.txt but I always get rild socket timeout. The driver seems to be working fine because I get a usb0 device on my target.
if I try to execute manually the line
/system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/libsierra-ril.so – -a -i usb0
I get always this error message.
/system/bin/rild: invalid option – a
reference-ril requires: -p or -d /dev/tty_device -u /dev/data_device
Did I miss something to install on Android or enable any specific permission?
Any hints ?
Best regardsw,