Android RIL V4.4.1 doesn't work with MC7354


we use imx6 processor and Android KK. We have donwloaded and followed the instructions to implement RIL support for Android from the Readme.txt but I always get rild socket timeout. The driver seems to be working fine because I get a usb0 device on my target.

if I try to execute manually the line

/system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/ – -a -i usb0

I get always this error message.

/system/bin/rild: invalid option – a
reference-ril requires: -p or -d /dev/tty_device -u /dev/data_device

Did I miss something to install on Android or enable any specific permission?

Any hints ?

Best regardsw,


What is the kernel version that is required for these patches to be applied?

We use 3.10 kernel with Android KK.

What driver is necessary for the MC7354 modem?

sierra.ko , sierra_net.ko, GobiNet.ko



Topic moved to the correct section.


seems rild.c issue, please check it.

Hi Digimiki

Were you able to fix the issue? I am facing the exact same issue and wanted to see if you could help me in some way.
Thanks! :slight_smile: