I open a device (34800 / 8N1 / Null modem with no flow control) on the UART2 and I want to retreive signal state through the IOC_UART_SS io control:
sUartSsIoc_t signal_state;
signal_state.op = G_IOC_OP_GET;
signal_state.sig_id = UART_SIG_RTS;
if( g_Uart_if->io_control( g_Uart_handle, IOC_UART_SS, &signal_state ) != CH_STATUS_NORMAL)
- This always returns me an ERROR…
- Is somebody already have acheived to use this io control ?
Moreover in the adl_user_guide.pdf, it says that the user need to use IOC_UART_LC to use the signal state control. This seems to be an error (the IOC_UART_LC is dedicated to the line coding io control…)