6.57+OpenAT3.12 Application over 6.55+OpenAT3.10 by DOTA!


I have more than one hundred equipment installed in field with OS 6.55 and OpenAT 3.10 application. I have used DOTA I normally to change my application and I have not had problem. Now I would like to change both, my application and the system for OS 6.57 + OpenaAT 3.12 application. However I know that:

  1. If i change the application by DOTA I, i lose the connection and bye…
  2. If i change the OS6.55 to OS 6.57 by DOTA II, i lose the connection too and bye-bye …


and so, what can i do ? Somebody can help me?



I’ve the same problem … it seems that DOTA-II can only update firmware with the same version e.g. 6.55a to 6.55b or 6.57a to 6.57b but not update from 6.55 to 6.57.

I try to discuss the problem with wavecom since end of december but the communication with wavecom is very slow …

Best regards

Hello folks,

I am also thinking on preparing my application for DOTA II, I am currently using Q2686H with OS 6.61. I have the same doubts as you have.

The ADL user guide sais, that the AD storage size has to be set to maximum around (1,2 MByte) to perform OS update (DOTA II).

Let’s count a little bit,

Storage size (set to maximum) = 1344 KByte (rather around 1,3 Mbye :unamused: ) In this setup the space for OAT application will be 256 Kbyte.

Lets perform a DOTA I + II update in theory

usable AD space 1344 Kbyte

OAT appli size (maximum)= 256Kbyte
Current OS binary size = 1069 Kbyte
Current OS EEprom size = ~3 Kbyte
Current Downloader size = ~39 Kbyte

Together with 256 Kbyte OAT appli == 1368 Kbyte (> 1344 Kbyte), we have no chance the perform DOTAI,DOTAII. Of course we download the new OAT application in compressed format so it will be smaller, but the OS binary size could not be much more bigger. Very thight, very thight…
It was only a theory, whether the OS is capable for DOTA II between different versions i don’t know exactly yet, but my guess is no.

I really don’t understand Wavecom again. Where has the nice q2686G module gone with 64 Mbit (8 Mbyte) Flash??? It would coust + 1-2 dollars more? But the user could have more AD storage space ( i think around 5 Mbyte) and plenty of space for the DOTA I-II. And additionally in case of GCC compiler you would have enough place for the big binary file which it generates. 256 Kbyte for a GCC compiled application is very-very small!!!

At least, we should have the option to buy the Q2686G !

I will ask around about DOTA II and i will write down if anything new comes to me.

Best Regards,


p.s: Not to mention that they already talking about DOTA III :imp:

It is not possible to upgrade from =<655 to 657
ed and wip is not compatible.
Dota 1 & 2 (and later 3 )is only for maintenance(minor changes) and 657 is a major change.
The only solution is to recall all the units to change to 657 if you really require the new features.

Q2686G Flash did not comply to ROHS so it was not used,
I think Wavecom will wait for bigger ROHS flash to be available and then launch the Q2686G module.

Dota 3 is a delta change where you send the app in the modem and the new one to Wavecom and then they will check to see what is new and what is already in the modem and then they will provide you with a delta file to send to the modem to change over to the new app with smallest size through the air.

PS do not PM me to read your post, it is not good manners