[WP7609] How do I calculate my host PC's data usage on my Legato system?

How do I calculate my host PC’s data usage on Legato system?

how about using the API le_mdc_GetBytesCounters()?

Here is the sample code:


I got data usage used by host pc and legato system.

  • use data on pc and legato system.

  • use data only on legato system. (disable host pc’s Sierra Wireless Mobile Broadband Network Adapter)

  • Code
    Call TestConnectivity(profileRef) every 5 seconds

uint64_t latestRxBytes = 0, latestTxBytes = 0;
//! [Statistics]
 * Test the connectivity.
void TestConnectivity(
    le_mdc_ProfileRef_t profileRef)
    // int status;
    // char systemCmd[200] = {0};
    char itfName[LE_MDC_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_BYTES] = "\0";
    // le_mdc_DataBearerTechnology_t downlinkDataBearerTech;
    // le_mdc_DataBearerTechnology_t uplinkDataBearerTech;
    uint64_t rxBytes = 0, txBytes = 0;
    // uint64_t latestRxBytes = 0, latestTxBytes = 0;

    // LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetDataBearerTechnology(profileRef,
    //                                             &downlinkDataBearerTech,
    //                                             &uplinkDataBearerTech));

    // LE_INFO("downlinkDataBearerTech %d, uplinkDataBearerTech %d",
    //         downlinkDataBearerTech, uplinkDataBearerTech);

    // Get interface name
    LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetInterfaceName(profileRef, itfName, LE_MDC_INTERFACE_NAME_MAX_BYTES));

    // if (le_mdc_IsIPv4(profileRef))
    // {
    //     snprintf(systemCmd, sizeof(systemCmd), "ping -c 60 www.sierrawireless.com -I %s", itfName);
    // }
    // else
    // {
    //     // TODO ping6 needs raw access to socket and therefore root permissions => find a different
    //     // way to test the connectivity
    //     snprintf(systemCmd, sizeof(systemCmd), "ping6 -c 4 www.sierrawireless.com -I %s", itfName);
    // }

    // Ping to test the connectivity
    // status = system(systemCmd);
    // if (WEXITSTATUS(status))
    // {
    //     le_mdc_StopSession(profileRef);
    // }
    // LE_ASSERT(!WEXITSTATUS(status));

    // Get data counters
    LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetBytesCounters(&rxBytes, &txBytes));
    latestRxBytes += rxBytes;
    latestTxBytes += txBytes;
    LE_INFO("rxBytesTotal %" PRIu64 ", txBytesTotal %" PRIu64 "rxBytes %" PRIu64 ", txBytes %" PRIu64,
            latestRxBytes, latestTxBytes, rxBytes, txBytes);

    // Stop data counters and ping to test the connectivity
    // LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_StopBytesCounter());
    // status = system(systemCmd);
    // if (WEXITSTATUS(status))
    // {
    //     le_mdc_StopSession(profileRef);
    // }
    // LE_ASSERT(!WEXITSTATUS(status));

    // Get data counters
    // LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_GetBytesCounters(&rxBytes, &txBytes));
    // LE_INFO("rxBytes %"PRIu64", txBytes %"PRIu64, rxBytes - latestRxBytes, txBytes - latestTxBytes);
    // LE_ASSERT(latestRxBytes == rxBytes);
    // LE_ASSERT(latestTxBytes == txBytes);

    // Start data counters
    // LE_ASSERT_OK(le_mdc_StartBytesCounter());