We faced issue that WP7605 was freezed after “reboot” or “AT!RESET” command.
We can collect syslog that WP7605 was freezed after AT!RESET", please see the attached file as “syslog_MAC.xlsx”.
According to “syslog_MAC.xlsx”, syslog could be shown in the middle of process, but not show after this feezeing.
I guess Modem core is freezed, but we’re not sure.
By the way, this issue was improved by hardware power-on/off.
Could you tell me potential root cause why module was freezed?
In order to analyze deeply, could you show the way what logs do you need?
Ideally, we hope any operation by operating standalone (not hope external tool, ex) dm-logger).
We already contact to R&D team via SFDC#01219418.
R&D commented that existed similar issue and fixed in SWI9X07Y_03.00.04.00 later.
We would like to know more detail whether similar issue is same issue with this.