UART Send&Receive using OpenAT API


 I am trying to develope the code for UART, To receive and send data to TCP/IP. According to my application i have to read the data continuisly with some delay. When ever i subscribed to UART Flow, it fetches the data from UART Pins, for that i have to type the AT commands (AT+Wopen=0,At+wopen=1) to run the application on hyperterminal. According to my application i have to develope the code for UART Send/Receive without typing any AT commands. So where i have to subscribe with this commands, after subcribing to UART or before subcribing?
 At the same time i have to check the status of Buffer, when ever the buffer is full, i have send this bufffer to TCP/IP. adl_fcmgetStatus function can manages the status of buffer or i have to develope the logic.

Please reply to me, i am confusing :question: while implementing, please give me the flow for this.
