Newbie here. I’ve run this example and entered AT+WDU=1,“UART1”,115200 to initialise the UART which seems to happen (I’ve added some debug outputs), but typing into the hyperterminal does not create an event. I guess this may be something to do with the port reuse (to send AT commands and to detect the user input - the example changes the use input’s case - upper to lower and vice versa)? As this is a simple example, what am I missing, it must be something obvious?
Well, I’ve added a second PC on COM 2 and tried communicating with that and still get nothing. The characters appear in the TMT Data window but the sample app just sits there waiting for a serial event. This is getting annoying now! It must be some thing simple.
Yes. I can see the External Com data coming in in the TE Data window, but the application is just sitting waiting for the event here:
TRACE((1, "Wait for a Received Data......"));
adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, "\r\nWait for a Received Data......\r\n");
/* wait for Rx Available event */
adl_eventWait( EventHandle,
adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, "\r\nEvent received\r\n");
The simple answer to this, is that the example doesn’t work with the FSU and the comm port mux. Even with an extender board giving a second serial port, I couldn’t get it to work.
It does work with the dual port dev boards.
I have since got the ports working OK using the FCM method of controlling the uarts.