This regards the spi bus access on the Q2686 module. I’m trying out with simple routines, reading and writing a single byte to and from the spi bus. At the same time I’m observing the signals; spi_in, spi_out and spi_clk with an oscilloscope.
My busSettings are as follows:
adl_busSPISettings_t SpiSettings =
5, // Clk_Speed (5 = 2 MHz)
ADL_BUS_SPI_CLK_MODE_0, // Clk_Mode;
ADL_BUS_SPI_CS_POL_LOW, // ChipSelectPolarity;
0, // GpioChipSelect;
and my busAccess structure is:
adl_busAccess_t SpiBus_Access =
0, //Address
0, //Opcode
0, //Opcode length
0, //Address length
ADL_BUS_SIZE_BYTE //bit size on the bus
I’ve disabled the cs signal in the above, but I’ve also tried with GPIO cs signal active.
During the adl_busWrite(…) everything seems to be normal, as I recognize my data byte on spi_out and 8 clock pulses on spi_clk. But during the read function; adl_busRead(…) it seems to me that on the spi_clk, the 8 clock pulses for reading 1 byte, seems to be repeated with a small delay of appr. 3 usec for spi_clk = 2MHz. This is always the case, even when I try to read 2 bytes, the 16 clock pulses respectively are repeated again.
Are there any comments on this one?
Is it just the way I configure my busSettings?
With regards