hi to all, I have begun today to use wireless cpu q2686, as first step I would want to be able to send a sms when I press a push-button, I have tried to read the several examples, but I have not resolved. someone you can help me? thanks
What examples did you “try” to read?
In what way(s) are you still “not resolved” ?
It is difficult to help you if you don’t explain exactly what it is, exactly, that you require help with!
You need to give a clear & complete description of:
- What you tried
- What you thought should happen
- What actually happened
- What thoughts and/or experiments you have made in an attempt to explain the difference!
ok. sorry for being be little clear. the examples that I have seen are: sms_auto, telemetry I do not understand like setting up the keypad like input. I want that pressing a button of the keypad it sends a sms. I hope of being be clearer. sorry for my English …thanks
If you just want one button, it’d probably be simpler to just use a GPIO…
yes, I would want to try with a single button, I have found this example, but M2M does not compile it!
#include “adl_global.h”
const u16 wm_apmCustomStackSize = 1024;
const adl_ioConfig_t MyGpioConfig[1] = {ADL_IO_Q2686_GPIO_44,0,ADL_IO_INPUT};
u8 SMSHandle;
s32 GpioEventHandle;
u8 k;
void GpioEventHandler ( s32 GpioHandle, adl_ioEvent_e Event, u32 Size, void * Param )
switch (Event)
if (k==0) // to filter the first ADL_IO_EVENT_INPUT_CHANGED received at astart up
TRACE((1,"state = %d", (((adl_ioRead_t *)Param) [0].eState)));
if ((((adl_ioRead_t *)Param) [0].eState)) // check the state of the GPIO
TRACE((1,"GPIO_44 is high"));
adl_smsSend( SMSHandle, "+333333333", "GPIO_44 switches to high", ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT ); // Change the phone number please!
TRACE((1,"GPIO_44 is low"));
adl_smsSend( SMSHandle, "+3333333333", "GPIO_44 switches to low", ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT );
void SmsCtrlHandler ( u8 Event, u16 Nb )
TRACE((1,“Evento = %d”, Event));
bool SmsHandler ( ascii * SmsTel, ascii * SmsTimeOrLength, ascii * SmsText )
return FALSE;
void SimHandleravnet(u8 Event)
TRACE((1,“SimHandleravnet = %d”, Event));
switch (Event)
SMSHandle = adl_smsSubscribe( SmsHandler, SmsCtrlHandler, ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT );
GpioEventHandle = adl_ioEventSubscribe ( GpioEventHandler );
adl_ioSubscribe ( 1, MyGpioConfig, ADL_TMR_TYPE_100MS, 1, GpioEventHandle );
void adl_main ( adl_InitType_e InitType )
TRACE (( 1, “Embedded Application : Main” ));
adl_simSubscribe ( SimHandleravnet, NULL );
OK…i resolved with
#include “adl_global.h”
#define GPIO_OUTPUT_PIN 22
#define GPIO_INPUT_PIN 4
// GPIO service handle
static s32 GPIOHandle_OUT;
static s32 GPIOHandle_IN;
s32 ReadValue;
adl_ioDefs_t GpioConfig_IN = ADL_IO_GPIO | GPIO_INPUT_PIN | ADL_IO_DIR_IN;
const u16 wm_apmCustomStackSize = 1024*3;
s32 GpioEventHandle;
void GpioEventHandler ( s32 GpioHandle, adl_ioEvent_e Event, u32 Size, void * Param ){
s32 ReadValue_IN;
s32 ReadValue_OUT;
// Check event
switch ( Event ){
ReadValue_IN = adl_ioReadSingle (GPIOHandle_IN, &GpioConfig_IN);
if (ReadValue_IN == 0){
adl_ioWriteSingle ( GPIOHandle_OUT, &GpioConfig_OUT, TRUE );
ReadValue = adl_ioReadSingle (GPIOHandle_IN, &GpioConfig_IN);
adl_ioWriteSingle ( GPIOHandle_OUT, &GpioConfig_OUT, FALSE );
void adl_main ( adl_InitType_e InitType ){
adl_ioWriteSingle ( GPIOHandle_OUT, &GpioConfig_OUT, FALSE );
adl_ioWriteSingle ( GPIOHandle_IN, &GpioConfig_IN, TRUE );
GpioEventHandle = adl_ioEventSubscribe (GpioEventHandler);
GPIOHandle_OUT = adl_ioSubscribe ( 1, &GpioConfig_OUT, 0, 0, 0 );
GPIOHandle_IN = adl_ioSubscribe ( 1, &GpioConfig_IN, 1, 1, GpioEventHandle );