That’s like saying, “My car won’t go - what is wrong with it?”
What exactly is “not working”
Does your code fail to build?
Does it fail to download to the module?
Does the application fail to start?
Does your timer subscription fail?
Is your timer handler not called?
etc, etc, etc…
Hi Jan & Awneil,
Sorry for not giving enough data.
I am using,
OpenAT version - 3.12
core firmware version - 657
TCP/IP library- WIP libraries
gsm module - Q2501B.
I am subscribing for GPRS connection and setting APN parameters.
After bearer connection is completed, In WIP_CEV_WRITE case of wip_eventhandle, i am subscribing cyclic timer.
In the timer handler, i am writing data to the channel.
My code is successfully build and my timer subscription and calling handler is successful, but unable to send data.
I hope that i am clear, Please tell me where i am doing mistake.
My requirement is i have to send data for every 10 seconds to the server.
Better, but still what does “unable to send data” mean?
Show the code that you use to send the data.
Does the code return any error results?
Or does it seem that the data is sent OK, but it just doesn’t arrive at the receiver?
How do you know that the data is not being sent?
Maybe it’s being sent OK, but there’s a bug is in the Server receiving it?
Maybe it’s being sent OK, but there’s a routing problem somewhere, so it just doesn’t reach the server?
I confirm that it is working with the wip library. It is quite stable
I don’t have seen data that are not sent when the wip_write returns a positive result. You can try to connect to a netcat in server mode and wireshark to see what’s wrong.