im using Q2686 wireless CPU for receiving bulk of data from a LOgger using serial port at 9600 baud rate and to transfer it through tcp. But the data will bulk (hex) data's around 4 lakh bytes and the length is also not fixed. Vaild data's are inbetween 1lakh 30bytes(approx) and above 1lalk 35bytes (approx). Valid data's will be around 6k bytes so it needs to be stored in flash and retransmitted after the whole reception of data but on continous reception of data,GSM modem gets restarted.i think it is impossible to write in flash memory every 1k of valid data and to transfer it later. so can anybody please give a suggestion how to receive this bulk data and without delay to store the valid data in flash?
I think your on the wrong track here, there is no excuse why an arm core can’t keep up with a 1kb/s stream. Either it is a bug or you implemented it wrong. You didn’t do it in a loop, did you?
Thanks for ur replies. Im using a loop only for receiving the incoming data.
Now the problem is how to store the valid data in flash memory during the reception of bulk data because that will take a time interval for writing in flash memory.
If any suggestion please send, I have to make the code after analyzing only.