HI! I have some devices with q2686h modules installed. They are rather old. The firmware version that has been installed in modules is: 661_09gg.Q2686H 1925236 100506 11:13. Then I’ve upgraded firmware and bootloader to version: R7.47.6.201212170952.Q2686H 2223904 121712 09:52. And in this version the problem with calls and SMS appears.
The answer to ATD+хххххххххххх; is “NO CARRIER” despite module is registered (+CREG: 1,1).
The answer to AT+CEER is error 254 (Call imposible).
BUT! Nevertheless sometimes I can make a call. 1 of 10-15 attempts is successful. So the problem is unstable.
The same situation with recieving calls. 1 of 10-15 is successfull. Devices with old software make and recieve calls without problems. So questions:
- Is there any difference between hardware in old modules q2686h and new modules (not refreshed)? (My hardware version is 4.03)
- Where can i find any changelog of hardware?
- Where can i find old version (661_09gg) of firmware and bootloader for it? Or maybe somebody has it and can share…
- Maybe someone has already faced with this problem and knows what to do… Help me, please!
P.S. Sorry for my EnglishI’m from Belarus.