MC7455 stuck in MBIM-only USB composition

So the only solution was to try the tools you sent to me… And it worked! That’s really great job!

I let you decide whether it’s worth sharing, as far as I’m concern I keep it safe in case it happens again. I think I misused AT!USBCOMP and AT!USBPID commands, hence entering into an unexpected mode… But you sometimes need to expect the unexpected.

Thank you very much for your kind and fast help on this!


Here are more information on the root of it.
These are the commands I had used:

Config Index: 1
Config Type:  2 (USBIF-MIBM)
Interface bitmask: 00001000 (mbim)


And so, if your device is reset at this stage… You’ll find it back with MBIM only.
You have to activate more interfaces, for example:


FYI, I’m still unable to use QMI USB composition messages with this MBIM configuration, facing the “NOT SUPPORTED” issue (error 94).