LuaVM related watchdog reset

I’m getting the following backtrace on modem reset:

Trace EXT4 1 OAT Task index : 0
Trace EXT4 1 Watch dog reset. Tsk 29
ADS Bckt -> Unresolved symbol : 0x00000FD1
ADS Bckt -> mos_headerInitTask : 0x002697AB
ADS Bckt -> EvMachine_remove_node : 0x0026D813
ADS Bckt -> wm_lstFindItem : 0x00267E09
ADS Bckt -> adl_tmrHandler : 0x002732EB
ADS Bckt -> evh_timer : 0x0027A45F
ADS Bckt -> lua_rawget : 0x00285BDD
ADS Bckt -> Unresolved symbol : 0x00000064
ADS Bckt -> luaS_newlstr : 0x002893F5
ADS Bckt -> luaV_gettable : 0x002874EB
ADS Bckt -> Unresolved symbol : 0x0002078B
ADS Bckt -> luaG_aritherror : 0x00283727
ADS Bckt -> Unresolved symbol : 0x00000AA5
ADS Bckt -> Unresolved symbol : 0x00000AA5
ADS Bckt -> luaG_ordererror : 0x00283675
ADS Bckt -> luaG_runerror : 0x00283609

Any idea of what could cause it?


Also, this message gets printed on the serial port right before the watchdog reset:

PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (attempt to index a nil value)
…\src_orig\ldo.c:111:luadD_throw(): EXIT:FAILURE

Is there any way to stop the modem from resetting after a ‘luaD_throw()’?
I saw there is an infinite loop in the luaD_throw function (ldo.c) which triggers the watchdog. I tried removing the infinite loop and recompiling the Lua library (and the app of course), but the modem is still resetting.
Is there any way in case of a lua exception to just reset the lua VM and not the modem.


I have the same beaver with my LuaVM.

Is there any solution for this?
Is it because of my code or from the core of LUA?

Yes - you should certianly not allow beavers in your Lua VM - they can cause a lot of damage:



But I need help her.

I have the same behavior with my LuaVM.

Is there any solution for this?
Is it because of my code or from the core of LUA?
