It is possibile to listen DTMF and audio Call Rx at the same time?
regarding my code:
Ret_Rec = adl_audioStreamListen( handle_Rec, ADL_AUDIO_PCM_MONO_8K_16B, MyLowLevelIrqHandle_Rec,
MyHighLevelIrqHandle_Rec, pStreamBuffer);
RetRecDTMF = adl_audioStreamListen( handleRecDTMF, ADL_AUDIO_DTMF, MyLowLevelIrqHandleDTMF,
MyHighLevelIrqHandleDTMF, StreamBufferRecDTMF);
TRACE (( 1, “Ret_Rec listening: %d RetRecDTMF listening %d”,Ret_Rec,RetRecDTMF ));
Traces shows that the first AudioStreamListen succeed but the second one doesn’t
Trace: Ret_Rec listening: 0 RetRecDTMF listening -3
ERROR -3 returned by second AudioStreamListen function means ADL_RET_ERR_BAD_STATE that if an audio stream is listening or audio signal is playing on the required audio resource (ADL user guide) i think this is normal because i’m already listening call RX
How can i do to listening DTMF and Audio CALL RX simultaneously ?
Because i need to record AUDIO from CALL RX resource and stop recording when i receive a DTMF.
Thank you for attention.