Hello everyone
Q24 How much memory do I do to permanently store
I need your help
Please please help me
Do you want to know how much memory available on your Q24 module?
Open M2M studio -> target management -> status, from there you will get detail info about your memory (type, size, address, etc).
sorry I mean M2M Studio -> target management -> memory mapping (not status).
I want to save data in the flash memory module Q24PLUS
It’s mentioned in ADL_USER_GUIDE.pdf spahlavan.
Especially in section API - > FLASH.
Please RTFM (Read The Friendly Manual) carefully
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
This is my code for your example.
Subscribe to FLASH service.
/* Subscribe to Flash Service */
if (retVal == OK) {
TRACE((2, "MAIN TASK : Flash Object Subscribe : %d = SUCCESS", retVal));
} else if (retVal == ADL_RET_ERR_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED) {
TRACE((2, "MAIN TASK : Flash Object Subscribe : %d = FLASH OBJECT ALREADY SUBSCRIBED", retVal));
} else {
TRACE((2, "MAIN TASK : Flash Object Subscribe : %d = FAILED", retVal));
Write to FLASH.
if ((retVal = adl_flhWrite(FLASH_OBJECT_HANDLER, id, length, buffer_data)) == OK) {
wm_sprintf(buff, "WRITE TO FLASH : ID[%d] data[%s] length[%d] : %d = SUCCESS", id, data, length, retVal);
TRACE((2, buff));
} else {
wm_sprintf(buff, "WRITE TO FLASH : ID[%d] data[%s] length[%d] : %d = FAILED", id, data, length, retVal);
TRACE((2, buff));
wm_sprintf(buff, "\r\nError writing data[%s] length[%d] to flash ID[%d]\r\n", data, length, id);
adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, buff);
return (FALSE);
Read from FLASH.
/* read specified object id */
retVal = adl_flhRead(FLASH_OBJECT_HANDLER, id, length, buffer_data);
But it
Give me full code
Sorry I can’t give you my full code because it is my company’s proprietary.
But we can have technical discussion here.
I mean this is the complete code
Id variable and FLASH_OBJECT_HANDLER and MAX_FLASH_OBJECT_NUMBER and length and buffer_data
What if some sort and should be defined
As lqmanhkeem says, this is a discussion forum - it is not a free consultancy service to do your work for you!
It is my own variables.
#define FLASH_OBJECT_HANDLER "data_array"
u16 length;
u8 *buffer_data;
ID variable = array component from 1-19.
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