could it be that there is NONE?
could it be that the device (Q2686H in this case) silently restarts, leaving the I2C bus in an unusable state?
to clearify the problem a bit
some traces from Target monitor
Trace SYS 2 [knocker_addKnockNow] Knocking on 0
Trace SYS 2 [sc_groupSend] sending action : 0
Trace SYS 3 gpio: input 0 triggered
Trace 1 Unable to find the string of the remote trace in the file (ID = 34831)
Trace 1 Unable to find the string of the remote trace in the file (ID = 33768)
Trace SYS 2 gpioRead 0x180C4404 Failed
Trace 1 Unable to find the string of the remote trace in the file (ID = 34831)
Trace 1 Unable to find the string of the remote trace in the file (ID = 33768)
Trace SYS 2 gpioWrite 0x180C4404 Failed
and then it resets leaving the I2C bus in an unrecoverable state