How to handle HTTP POST Response?

Hi all,

First of all, I must say that I am newbie on Open AT and embedded modules. Please accept my apologies if I ask stupid questions. :slight_smile:

I am using Q2687H embedded modules and developing an application to connect remote server, sending/receiving data with HTTP Client. I have some troubles with handling HTTP POST Response. I’ve used the sample codes provided by Developer Studio. It worked but when I send an HTTP POST request to server, I only can see the results on my TMConsole like following;

TMConsole logs:

HTTP Client Service test application : Init

http_ClientDataHandler: Start

http_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_WRITE

http_ClientDataHandler: 73 bytes written
http_ClientDataHandler: Done
http_ClientDataHandler: Status=200
http_ClientDataHandler: Reason="OK"

I need to handle the "{“access_token”:"3EMs2OvAhA6e9wzw1SPM… " part of the response data but I could not find the way how to handle it in WIP_CEV_READ or WIP_CEV_WRITE in event handler :frowning:

Edit: Here is my handler code;

ascii *postData = "grant_type=password&UserName=usrName&Password=asdfghjkl#$123&CityCode=46";

static void http_ClientDataHandler ( wip_event_t *ev, void *ctx )
    ascii Ptr_OnTrace [ 240 ];
    int len, tmplen;
    s32 status;
    http_ClientCtx_t *pHttpClientCtx = ( http_ClientCtx_t * ) &http_ClientCtx;	

    switch ( ev->kind )
        case WIP_CEV_OPEN:
            TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_OPEN" ) );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "http_ClientDataHandler: Start\r\n" );
            /* ready for getting response data  */
            pHttpClientCtx->dataLength = 0;

        case WIP_CEV_READ:
            TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_READ" ) );
            /* we must read all available data to trigger WIP_CEV_READ again    */
            tmplen = 0;
            while ( ( len = wip_read ( ev->channel, tmpbuf, sizeof ( tmpbuf ) - 1 ) ) > 0 )
                tmpbuf [ len ] = 0;
                adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, tmpbuf );
                tmplen += len;
            TRACE(( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: read %d bytes", tmplen ));
            /* compute total length of response */
            pHttpClientCtx->dataLength += tmplen;

        case WIP_CEV_WRITE:
        		TRACE(( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_WRITE\n" ));
        		adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nhttp_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_WRITE\r\n");

        		sentBytes = wip_write( pHttpClientCtx->DataChannel, postData, wm_strlen(postData));

        		if(sentBytes < 0)
        		{/* error */
        			adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nwip_write error\r\n" );
        			TRACE(( 4, "http_ClientDataHandler: bytes %d written\n", sentBytes ));
        			wm_sprintf( tmpbuf, "\r\nhttp_ClientDataHandler: %d bytes written\r\n", sentBytes);
        			adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, tmpbuf);
        		wip_shutdown( pHttpClientCtx->DataChannel, FALSE, TRUE);
        case WIP_CEV_PEER_CLOSE:
            TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_PEER_CLOSE" ) );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nhttp_ClientDataHandler: Done\r\n" );

            /* end of data  */
            /* show response information    */
            if ( wip_getOpts ( ev->channel,
                               WIP_COPT_HTTP_STATUS_CODE, &status,
                               WIP_COPT_HTTP_STATUS_REASON, tmpbuf, sizeof ( tmpbuf ),
                               WIP_COPT_END ) == OK )
                ascii sbuf [ 16 ];
                adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "http_ClientDataHandler: Status=" );
                wm_sprintf ( sbuf, "%d", ( s16 ) status );
                adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, sbuf );
                adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\r\nhttp_ClientDataHandler: Reason=\"" );
                adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, tmpbuf );
                adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\"\r\n" );
                TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: Status=%d", status ) );
                wm_sprintf ( Ptr_OnTrace, "http_ClientDataHandler: Reason=\"%s\"", tmpbuf );
                TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, Ptr_OnTrace ) );

            if ( wip_getOpts ( ev->channel,
                               WIP_COPT_HTTP_HEADER, "content-type", tmpbuf, sizeof ( tmpbuf ),
                               WIP_COPT_END ) == OK )
                wm_sprintf ( Ptr_OnTrace, "http_ClientDataHandler: Content Type=\"%s\"\n", tmpbuf );
                TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, Ptr_OnTrace ) );
            TRACE ( ( NORMAL_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: Response Length=%d bytes", pHttpClientCtx->dataLength ) );

            /* data channel must be closed*/
            wip_close( ev->channel );

        case WIP_CEV_ERROR:
            TRACE ( ( ERROR_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: WIP_CEV_ERROR %d", ev->content.error.errnum ) );
            adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "http_ClientDataHandler: ERROR\r\n" );
            /* connection to server broken  */
            wip_close( ev->channel);

            TRACE ( ( ERROR_TRACE_LEVEL, "http_ClientDataHandler: unexpected event: %d", ev->kind ) );

Can you tell me if you have any idea?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards


Hi all,

I finally found the way to handle incoming data. I am so sorry to bother you for such simple question :sweat:

For newbies like me if you have such problems, the answer is tmpbuf variable in while in WIP_CEV_READ event.

Best regards


I still have problems handling the HTTP POST response. I tried to find the answer here, but so far unsuccessfully. Could you take a screenshot or explain in more detail?

Hi @daveco,

Can you see the messages on your Trace windows like “http_ClientDataHandler: read xx bytes” ? If so, you can see the data in tmpbuf variable in “case WIP_CEV_READ:”.


I still experience http post responses. Though I am not a developer, but I tried my self to fix the issue. I have tried using this url to know some thing. I faced this type of problem for my website penmypaper. May the article link can help you.

I think the best way to deal with such situations is to consult with professionals at eduhelphub , their tutorials, courses and guidance can help you out with any coding lessons. you can even talk to them directly if you are having any issues with your project.