How to configure VoLTE on WP7607

I am using WP7607 to setup VoLTE calls using AT command.

Current Time: 3294 Temperature: 23
Modem Mitigate Level: 0 ModemProc Mitigate Level: 0
Reset Counter: 1 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
LTE band: B7 LTE bw: 20 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 2850 LTE Tx chan: 20850
EMM state: Registered Normal Service
RRC state: RRC Idle
IMS reg state: No Srv

PCC RxM RSSI: -67 RSRP (dBm): -96
PCC RxD RSSI: -68 RSRP (dBm): -101
Tx Power: 0 TAC: 859A (34202)
RSRQ (dB): -8 Cell ID: 04CC6505 (80504069)
SINR (dB): 5.4

I tried activating the secondary PDP context as well but no success.

+CGACT: 1,1
+CGACT: 2,1
+CGACT: 3,0
+CGACT: 4,0


+CGCONTRDP: 1,5,,,,
+CGCONTRDP: 2,6,ims,,,,

Am I missing anything here?
It will be of much help if you can help me with the AT command steps to configure and activate VoLTE on WP7607 modem.

Much appreciate if anyone help me to highlight basic configuration setup for VoLTE with any of the SierraWireless modem and how can we do IMS client registration. I am activating 2nd PDP context from IMS, but still at!getstatus shows that “IMS reg state: No Srv”

Have any member used SierraWireless modem for VoLTE?

From WP7607 Release note, its mentioned that Generic VoLTE is supported from Rel-9.
Below is extract from release note:

“The WP7607 has received GCF certification with VoLTE. The GENERIC carrier PRI has all VoLTE
configuration for certification, however VoLTE must be enabled at the SKU level to activate it for the carrier”.

Does anyone know what is the at command to enable VoLTE at the SKU level?

Hi @shatrughan,

It looks like based on your previous replies you managed to work this out. What was the secret?


Hi @shatrughan , @newhouseb

You can execute some AT command as below to enable VoLTE on WP7607

I have attached the log file for your reference.Config IMS.txt (9.4 KB)

Here is result on my WP7607 module:
16:53:11.847 on 25-Nov-2019> at!gstatus?
16:53:14.484 on 25-Nov-2019>
16:53:14.688 on 25-Nov-2019> !GSTATUS:
16:53:14.688 on 25-Nov-2019> Current Time: 54 Temperature: 34
16:53:14.688 on 25-Nov-2019> Modem Mitigate Level: 0 ModemProc Mitigate Level: 0
16:53:14.688 on 25-Nov-2019> Reset Counter: 4 Mode: ONLINE
16:53:14.688 on 25-Nov-2019> System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> IMS reg state: REGISTERED IMS mode: Normal
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> IMS Srv State: FULL SMS,FULL VoIP
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> LTE band: B20 LTE bw: 5 MHz
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> LTE Rx chan: 5095 LTE Tx chan: 23095
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> LTE CA state: INACTIVE
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> EMM state: Registered Normal Service
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> RRC state: RRC Connected
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019>
16:53:14.689 on 25-Nov-2019> PCC RxM RSSI: -72 RSRP (dBm): -85
16:53:14.690 on 25-Nov-2019> PCC RxD RSSI: -94 RSRP (dBm): -123
16:53:14.690 on 25-Nov-2019> Tx Power: -5 TAC: 0001 (1)
16:53:14.690 on 25-Nov-2019> RSRQ (dB): -3 Cell ID: 01A2D003 (27447299)
16:53:14.690 on 25-Nov-2019> SINR (dB): 27.0
16:53:14.690 on 25-Nov-2019>
16:53:14.690 on 25-Nov-2019> OK

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This is incredibly helpful! Thank you!

What are the at!fm... commands? Are they documented anywhere? I gather they’re configuring the underlying Qualcomm baseband?

(I haven’t been able to get the first four or so commands to work but I think I’m on a much older modem firmware, so need to update that first).


What are the at!fm… commands? Are they documented anywhere? I gather they’re configuring the underlying Qualcomm baseband?

—> These at!fm… commands are used to write and read data to a file in the file system.
It is an internal document so I cannot share this externally.
Yes, They are configuring the underlying Qualcomm baseband.

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WP7607 has modem with Volte or without Volte. few commands will not work on Non volte modem

Thanks a lot for your reply. I will check this once we receive the new set of commercial modems.

Understood. I wonder if we need to talk to Sierra Wireless or Qualcomm to get the appropriate documentation here?

It also looks like you’re running a new, unreleased version of the firmware for the baseband: SWI9X07Y_02.32.03.00, whereas publicly there is only up to SWI9X07Y_02.28.03.05. Perhaps we need a special relationship with Sierra Wireless to get access to this?


I’m working as technical support for Sierra Wireless. What I shared is just a workaround. For production, you should not use that way. You should order correct SKU which supports VoLTE.

@Donald at !unlock, at!fmpath, at!fmw and at!fmr does not work with the WP7607 modem I have.
Anyways, I succeeded to make the VoLTE woking in Automatic mode. However, When I force the modem to select LTE only (at!selrat=06) then IMS is not getting registered. How can I make the VOLTE working with LTE only band. I need to do this to make sure call remains in LTE only and does not fall back.
Please help


The at!unlock and at!fmxxx commands are not accessible to users outside of Sierra Wireless which is why they did not work.

All of the recently shipped WP76 units (in the last 6 months) have all had VoLTE enabled on them by default and should work pout of the box assuming they are configured with the correct APN’s correctly.





I have received few new WP7607 modem today, which has old firmware:
SWI9X07Y_02.18.05.00 000000 jenkins 2018/07/19 17:40:u7121:

VoLTE does not work on this modem.
Can you confirm if volte is supported on this firmware?


Given the firmware version the unit is probably quite old meaning that it is not going to be enabled for VoLTE which is going to be your biggest problem as upgrading it will not help even if the firmware is capable. The unit cannot be enabled outside of the factory.



@mlw Thanks for the confirmation. is there any workaround to get this working with VoLTE?
The unit SKU is 1104341 which does not seems to be too old. In that case, If I just upgrade the firmware, will VOLTE work?

Answered in

@mlw is there a way to upgrade the WP7607 firmware without overriding/resetting the existing modem settings such as VoLTE?


Not sure what you mean but essentially there isn’t a procedure to preserve settings other than at&w which is limited.



@mlw This seems that even if Volte is enabled at SKU level [based on your previous reply using at!unlock] but firmware is old which does not support volte. Then if we upgrade the firmware to R12 Or latest R13, the at!unlock configuration of ims gets deleted and Volte will not work. In that case, how can we get a module which has Volte enabled and already factory upgraded to Volte supported firmware, so that module works for Volte out of box. It seems so complicated which it should not be.