according to documentation sending --EOF–Pattern-- after +KTCPSEND is optional if ndata bytes are sent. But this seems to be not true.
Im sending 3 bytes of data on serial using
– send 3 bytes –
and never receive “OK” or “NO CARRIER” and the module remains stuck in data mode.
If I send --EOF–Pattern-- after 3 data bytes all works as expected.
Am I missing something?
PS: using the --EOF–Pattern-- is very slow, because the module have to wait 100ms without receiving data before EOF pattern can be detected. This could lead to very slow transfer in case of “a lot” small packets have to be transmitted.
Not yet.
As I said it is a lot of work to switch from +KTCPSEND/+KTCPRCV to +KTCPSTART, mainly because the device is in production and a test session from scratch will take a long time.
Firstly I want exclude any possible configuration/implementation error. Or a know issue.
I also check on a newer version RHL769x.2.27.183100.201809071813.x7120m_3 and found the same (wrong) behaviour.
This is what the documentation said (point 1 and 5 in notes looks in conflict to me)