FTP and HTTP simultaneously


Consider a situation when a application is downloading some (low priority) information from FTP. In the meantime (in a psuedo parallel way), is it possible to send a message (of higher priority) via HTTP?


Don’t see why not - you’d just use a separate set of channels & event handlers for each…?

Thanks for the speedy reply.

But still I have a question, how the multi threading effect (like in Windows) is possible in OpenAT environment?

Also, how does these communication sessions work simultaneously?


being all event-driven, I imagine it is very much the same!

Your FTP event handlers deal only with FTP events - it makes no differnce to them what else might happen to be going on in other, unrelated event handlers;

Similarly, your HTTP event handlers deal only with HTTP events - it makes no differnce to them what else might happen to be going on in other, unrelated event handlers.

etc, etc,…