EM7565: Aggregating B1+B3 does not work as expected

I am pretty sure this issue is caused by an earlier attempt to hide the off-by-one bug I reported here:

This bug was finally fixed, according to the release notes:

  • CR 2170080 - QMI_NAS_GET_LTE_CPHY_CA_INFO returns incorrect band information

But, as I noted in the original bug report:, this issue did not show up in the AT command display, for unknown reasons. I believe we now see the reason: Someone reported this bug earlier and it was “fixed” by adding another bug hiding the issue in the AT command prosessor. That bug is hitting now that the root cause is gone.

This programming style is typical for projects without source code review. Many “programmers” think that fixing symptoms is easier than fixing the code, and no one will notice the difference because the code isn’t reviewed.

You’ll obviously not see many such problems in open source :slight_smile: