Cannot programmatically alter baudrate

I have succesfully subscribed and transferred data via UART1 using adl flow control. However , I need to change the baud rate to a value determined at runtime , so I have implemented the following , inter alia :


     // first set baudrate  while still in AT mode 
    wm_sprintf(s,"at+ipr=%u",V24FCMBaudRate); // eg V24FCMBaudRate = 9600
    adl_atCmdCreate(s,TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) V24FCMSetBaudCmdResponseHandler,"OK","ERROR","+CME",NULL );
    // first we will wait for the AT commands to execute, then subscribe to flow


The command handler V24FCMSetBaudCmdResponseHandler is executed ok (under ADL_STR_OK case) and I subscribe within that command handler to the flow. The flow then works fine.The only problem is that the baud rate does not change , it remains at default 115200. So, it appears that the new baud rate request has been rejected , although the command event handler suggests that the command executed correctly.

I have really exhausted all my options , so , please , can anyone suggest a possible bug or perhaps an alternate option ?

Have you tried with executing “AT&W” AT command in order to save the settings after u change the baud rate :question: I think it might solve your problem.