adl_main gone from 6.11.01?

adl_main is a function that exists in just about every sample provided with Open AT OS 6.11.01. Even the ADL User Guide 6.11 has mentions of adl_main in the examples. Yet the function is not documented.

Is it still supported? Are any of the samples that reference it valid with 6.11?

Hi voidstar,
adl_main function is the start pointer for your application. So it must always exist in your appl.

I know that, and you know that - but where is it actually, explicitly, documented in the v6.x documentation?

In v5.x and earlier, it was specifically documented under “Mandatory Application Code” - but that section has gone from the v6.x documents

There is now a section about “Application Entry Points Interface” - but there is no specific mention of adl_main.

Which brings us back to the original question: is adl_main still required, or is it now just optional - and the “Application Entry Points Interface” can be used to specify (an) alternate name(s)?

If the “Application Entry Points Interface” is not used, it does seem to default to using adl_main - but, again, that is not documented anywhere :angry: