7455 AT cmds to get mac and DNS addr, and more

Hi I like to know what are the AT commands on the MC7455 to get the following info:

  1. MAC address of modem,
  2. DNS server address assigned to modem,
  3. SIM card network operator name,
  4. ICCID. at!iccid is returning NOT IMPLEMENTED.’
  5. Tx and Rx packet and byte counters,
  6. Device uptime.

Thanks for any tip! :slight_smile:

  1. I don’t think there is a MAC address comparable that to Ethernet devices. You could look at the IMEI.
  2. at!gstatus


So answers in order.

  1. There is no MAC address equivalent in LTE hence the unit does not have one. FS1 is correct for identifying numbers you need to look at IMEI or serial number.

  2. There isn’t an AT command to get the DNS out, you ned to get this from the OS the unit is connected to.

  3. SIM card operators name isnot on the SIM card, only the IMSI with the first digits being the MCC/MNC i.e. 234 15 indicates a UK (234) Vodafone (15) card.

  4. Use the 3GPP command at+ccid? command.

  5. and 6. As FS1 says use at!gstatus.

    +CCID: 8944200116085022336F
    Current Time: 1025 Temperature: 25
    Reset Counter: 1 Mode: ONLINE
    System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
    LTE band: B3 LTE bw: 15 MHz
    LTE Rx chan: 1392 LTE Tx chan: 19392
    EMM state: Registered Normal Service
    RRC state: RRC Idle
    IMS reg state: No Srv

    PCC RxM RSSI: -75 RSRP (dBm): -104
    PCC RxD RSSI: -96 RSRP (dBm): -138
    Tx Power: – TAC: 04DD (1245)
    RSRQ (dB): -10.9 Cell ID: 001DB000 (1945600)
    SINR (dB): 2.6



Thanks for your reply Matt and FS1.

OK, I can get uptime by looking at Current Time field.

But I am not sure if LTE Rx chan, and LTE Tx chan are actually byte/packet counters. I ping through the modem but neither of these 2 numbers changed.

They aren’t. You could get byte/packet counter from the host OS.

When you say I can get the counters from the host OS, do you mean from something like ifconfig? Or do you mean some SDK calls that I can make to query the modem?


The simple one is to use ifconfig, or there are QMI API’s that give you the information as well.

