single API call to receive all deployed systems info


we don’t supply an API which returns all systems info with a single call in json. The closest one is the /v1/operations/systems/export API which creates an operation in order to export systems information in a CSV file.

Why a pagination system?
The pagination mechanism is required because:

  • a UI can not handle 10 000 results in a single call. Moreover showing 10 000 results doesn’t make sense for a user. The user will filter the result or needs to aggregate the information to be readable and understable.

  • Security/scalability: Most of the time, the users just read the first page before sorting, filtering the results. It will consume a lot of resources in order to return the information and will impact other users (or blocks the platform by doing a single request to get information about 10 000 000 systems).

  • If your application has to process the results, use the export API. As it is asynchronous, the impact on the platform is lower.

The pagination is a best practice when building a REST APIs. For example, you can have a look to this page which describes the best practices for REST API: … e1d954e7c9

Can you give us more details about your processing in order to be able to give you more information? What is the purpose of your API call (UI, processing, …)? What is the call frequency?
