Upgrade to Legato 16.07 AR7

Hi daav, thank you for your hint, it works and finally I have been able to upgrade to legato 16.01 the board.
I report here the steps I have done, maybe it will be usefull for other users.
For first thing I gave the command:

swiflash -m AR755X -r

I tried so to use the upgrade command through the ethernet interface but:

$ update build/ar7/system.ar7.update
Applying update from file 'build/ar7/system.ar7.update' to device at address ''.
sh: /legato/systems/current/bin/update: not found
Update failed
sh: /legato/systems/current/bin/legato: not found

So I tried again the swiflash tool in this manner:

$ cd ~/legato/packages/legato.device.image.
$ swiflash -m AR755X -i spkg-boot-modemz-yoctoz-legatoz.cwe 
Detecting USB of the target
Communicating with the target
Switching to firmware download mode
Downloading the firmware
Rebooting the module
Firmware Download SUCCESS

And it worked.
Rebooting the board:

root@swi-mdm9x15:~# legato version

So finally the board was upgraded.
To solve the problem that the usb was not recognized as network interface it was sufficien do:

# cd /etc/legato/
# cp usbmode.ex usbmode
# reboot

Here other information on how customize the usb interface: legato.io/legato-docs/latest/how … zeUSB.html .
Thank you to all of you for your help.