WS6318 can change UART framing

Good day,

1) when is the change happening?

I was in the debug mode testing the controller software using debug adapter.
So I restarted the program again and again. After the N-start I noticed that the program didn’t understand what WS6318 module responding.

2) is it with this module only or some other WS6318 modules also?

I noticed this only with one WS6318 module only.

3) How are you monitoring the change of UART framing?

I used the oscilloscope to see the real respond on WS6318 Tx pin. I saw that the UART framing had been changed in a way I wrote above.

4) The exact use-case.

What do you mean? I use the WS6318-module to send data on UDP protocol and receive AT commands responses from it. Did you mean this?

Thank you.

Best regards,