SL8090 with development kit

I realise I’m replying to my own old post here but I came up with solutions and figured they might be useful for someone.

Firstly, the development kit for the SL8090 modem really means it when it specifies a 4V @ 2A supply. The 4V supply I was using came in at around 4.3V and that was enough for the modem to refuse to start full functionality (AT+CFUN=1 created an ERROR). Typing:


Showed the “Volt” parameter as 1, indicating an issue. Changing the supply to be bang on 4V brought everything to life.

I had a real problem with the UART going to sleep with no activity after a few seconds. The UART was woken again by typing, however several characters would get “absorbed” before the system returned fully to life. I found this did the trick:


Then reset the modem for UART sleep to be disabled.

The Echo issue was resolved by resetting to factory defaults.

Hope that helps someone!