GPS NMEA port stops responding after 3 minutes

Hmmm… good thought I tried changing this to 30 seconds and power cycling the modem but the port still stops after 3 minutes

  function:  2
  fixtype: 1
  maxtime: 30 seconds
  maxdist: 50 meters
  fixrate: 1 seconds


The weird thing is that the location is being still being updated through the AT query, so I don’t think the fix is timing out

Lat: XX Deg XX Min 7.73 Sec N  (0xXXXXXXXX)
Lon: XXX Deg XX Min 31.22 Sec W  (0xXXXXXXXX)
Time: 2017 11 01 2 17:44:11 (GPS)
LocUncAngle: 0.0 deg  LocUncA: 7 m  LocUncP: 6 m  HEPE: 9.219 m
3D Fix
Altitude: 114 m  LocUncVe: 8.0 m
Heading: 0.0 deg  VelHoriz: 0.0 m/s  VelVert: 0.0 m/s